Aritzia Coat, DVF Blouse, AGOLDE Denim, Loeffler Randall Boots, Chanel Handbag, Agnelle Gloves

With the polar votex safely behind us, we’ve already made a trip to the zoo and will be spending as much time as possible outdoors, breathing in that amazing fresh air that isn’t cold enough to damage our lungs. Dramatic, I know, but it’s a miracle we made it though last week without leaving the house due to the extreme cold.

This type of outfit has been my go-to formula as of late, especially for those inbetween activities such as meeting up with friends while having to get some errands done. I used to spend so much time coming up with ensembles for the blog that were more aspirational than realistic, and that just doesn’t make sense for the season I’m in right now. If it’s not something I’ve worn in the past month, or will be wearing in the month to come, it no longer fits the bill to make it on to the blog. Perhaps that’s why there was such a long lull in the blog over the past couple of years, ain’t nobody want to see posts of mismatched sweatpants and dirty tees. Sometimes it takes a while to recover from the bumps and bruises of life, and I tried to protect all of you from that fashion disaster. You’re welcome.

Photos by Kiera Schussler

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