It’s been so long since I last put together a proper blog post that I feel as though I’ve forgotten how to do it.  As I picked out my ensemble, as I styled my hair and applied my makeup I thought, can I do this?  As I posed for photos with my talented and trustworthy blogging buddy I said, was I ever good at this?  It feels as though I’m starting over, and in a huge way, it’s true, I am.  It’s been nearly three years since I last did this on a regular basis, and since then everything has changed.  There literally isn’t a single day to day occurrence that looks the same today as it did three years ago.  I’ve had two babies, I’ve moved homes, I said farewell to my beloved dogs, my entire immediate family moved away, and the physical changes of having two babes within 15 months of one another has left me wondering whose reflection is in the mirror.  I’ve personally confirmed it, the only thing constant in life is change.

As I slowly start adapting to this change, and as life seems (dare I even speak the words) to settle into a welcomed aura of peace, I’m able to start pondering what it is that fills my bucket these days.  Being a mom to two small children, when you’ve abruptly had to say goodbye to an enormous portion of your support system, has been challenging at best.  It’s a delicate balance of feeling lost in the day to day slog, while reflecting, sometimes hourly, on how quickly the time seems to be slipping by.  This I know though, posting on my little place on the internet has always helped fill my bucket.  It’s allowed and encouraged and celebrated me in immersing myself in fashion, food, and entertaining, all the things that excite my soul.  So while I struggle to feel relevant in a blogging world that has completely changed in the past three years, I can tell you this, Centre Street will always be a place to come to find a recipe, for hosting and entertaining inspiration, for fashion tips, tricks and finds, and an abundance of  openness and transparency.  The sky is the limit and as the haze starts to lift I have infinite ideas that I can’t wait to manifest.  I invite you all to come along for the ride.

2 Responses to Blog Revival

  1. Misty says:

    Gorgeous as ever! 💕

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